Water. Desalination + reuse
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Tokyo, Japan 16 - 21 September l IWA WORLD WATER CONGRESS & EXHIBITION 2018 The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition will bring together more than 5,500 water and environment professionals, from more than 100 countries. The event will offer insight into how pioneering science, technological innovation, and leading practices shape the major transformation in water management that is underway around the world. It will present examples of delivering clean water to growing populations, cleaning up polluted river systemws at scale, industrial water management, public-private partnerships for service delivery, new policy and regulations, and benchmarking of water and wastewater service providers. The congress will present knowledge through keynote speeches, open discussions, presentations, poster sessions, technology showcases, dialogues on emerging issues, leadership forums, and workshops. The key topics are: Water utility management; wastewater management; drinking water and potable reuse; urban water systems; communities, integrated planning, and enabling environment; and large-scale water management. Web: iwa-network.org Santiago, Chile 9 - 11 October l ALADYR INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS 2018 ALADYR, the Latin America desalination and water reuse association, presents its International Congress 2018 under the banner, 'Water to Latin America'. The event will bring together water industry experts from around the globe with the aim to promote sustainable and responsible water management, and to discuss market trends, new and innovative technologies, real- life cases of success, regulation/ legislation, projects, and research. ALADYR expects 450 participants from across Latin America and around the world, including a delegation from China. The workshop topics include public policy on water in Latin America to include contributions from government representatives; the Latin America-China forum; and perspectives from leading water company chief executives. The session topics include: regulation, policy and market challenges; desalination and reuse project case studies; pre- and post- treatment in desalination plants; energy efficiency; innovation and emerging technology; osmosis — membranes and applications; operational techniques and practice insights; industrial applications for water reuse and desalination; projects, operation and experience in osmosis for potable water; environment, desalination and reuse; and water reuse — design, membranes use, water efficiency. Email: info@aladyr.net Web: aladyr.net Toledo Congress Centre El Greco, Spain 23 - 25 October l 12TH AEDYR INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS The 12th AEDyR International Congress seeks to provide an international forum to enable networking amongst experts in desalination, reuse and water treatment — from businesses, public institutions, universities and research centres. It aims to showcase the latest innovations, and research and development in these fields, as well as to foster dialogue, co-operation and the exchange of experiences, technologies and ideas amongst professionals. Spain is the leading country in Europe in reuse and desalination capacity, and is fourth in the world in production of desalinated water. AEDyR member companies are present in more than 20 countries worldwide, constructing and operating desalination systems that supply millions of people. Web: congresoaedyr.com promote active exchange. "Exhibitors will be part of the IDA movement to connect people and ideas to sustainable water solutions," McCarthy said. For information about exhibit- ing, contact exhibits@idadesal. org SPONSORSHIP IDA has released its sponsorship prospectus. Sponsorship packages are available at the Titanium, Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze levels. In addition, the prospectus showcases several diverse and unique opportunities to promote your company leading up to and during the World Congress Week. These include Mobile App sponsorship as well as Dialogue Hall, Official IDA Awards, IDA Sustainable Water Resources Foundation Evening Event, Young Leaders Program, IDA Academy Course, and Technical Session sponsorships. Information is available at https://wc.idadesal.org/spon- sors/ or contact sponsorships@ idadesal.org Water. desalination + reuse September 2018 Conferences/meetings 33 Conferences/ meetings Email details of meetings you wish listed to desalination@fav-house.com The IDA World Congress is always exceptional, each memorable for the quality of the programme, the relationships that it nurtures, and the cultural experience presented by meeting with colleagues