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"I think having that better licensing arrangement is potentially very important and I think it is just wrong that Ofgem have rejected it in the way that they have." Alan Whitehead, The Conversation The C onversaTion 06 Smart grid soothsayer: An interview with Alan Whitehead, former shadow energy minister. 12 Easier said than done: The energy sector is making slow progress on addressing gender ratios. 15 Smart energy dynamics: Duncan Botting looks on the bright side post-Brexit vote and sees an opportunity for whole system thinking. JULY/aUGUsT issUe 04/2016 The FUTUre 26 Mixed Blessings: Lucinda Dann explores prospects for electric vehicle growth and the implications for DNOs, including vehicle-to-grid energy storage. 36 Butterfly effect: National Grid's Future Energy Scenarios help us understand the consequences of our actions today and should be a key tool for investment planning. The appLiCaTion 16 Sensing the future: Network talks to SGN about its Real-time Networks project. 22 On site: Lucinda Dann visits Enel in Italy. 24 Peak performance: Key themes for change and challenge in network asset management. NETWORK / 4 / JULY/AUGUST 2016 12 The ConversaTion: aLL TaLk and aLL TroUsers There's been little movement on gender ratios in the energy industry 16 The appLiCaTion: MixinG iT Up SGN's Real-Time Networks project brings new gas compositions a step closer to common usage 26 The FUTUre: TheY're MULTipLYinG, iT's eLeCTriFYinG A future with large-scale use of electric vehicles is close at hand and it wields a double-edged sword for networks