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The gas network is having
to change to survive: it was
once regarded as a system that
distributed a high carbon fuel
source to customers and that, in order
for the UK to meet its low carbon ambi ons,
would need to phased out as electricity took over.
However, SGN innova on and technology
manager Angus McIntosh will tell the Gas Theatre
in a seminar on the future of gas networks that
the no on of "electricity as good and gas as bad",
are now outdated.
He said: "We all agree we need to lower emissions
but the gas networks have a very signifi cant role
to play in that. And that is a point that's o en
missed in these type of discussions."
And McIntosh will be ensuring this point is
clearly made when he speaks at the Future Gas
Networks: innova ons and alterna ve gases
seminar in the Gas Theatre at the start of Day
Two at U lity Week Live.
McIntosh is convinced gas has a big part to play
in the UK's energy future, but that it all relies on
the network becoming more fl exible. If it is able
to achieve this, he adds that gas can help cut
carbon emissions by replacing centrally generated
"The reality is that the vast majority of electricity
is being generated from gas or coal and that is a
horrendously ineffi cient way of doing things. It is
much be er to get the gas to the customer and
then op mising its use there than using gas to
generate electricity.
"You can look at it as a waste of a premium fuel."
A fl exible
Seminar List
Seminar List
9.45am The Future Gas
Network: Innova ons
and Alterna ve Gases
11.30am Making Carbon
Monoxide Poisoning
1.00pm Network Resilience:
The Gas Mains
2.30pm Connec ng the Fuel
Poor to the Gas Grid
For full seminar lis ngs see:
u lityweeklive.co.uk/gas
11.15am Exploring the Poten al
of Shale Gas in the
Future Energy Mix
12.45pm Crea ng Opportuni es
to Collaborate with
Innova ve SMEs
2.15pm Nurturing and
Retaining Talent