Water & Wastewater Treatment Magazine
Issue link: https://fhpublishing.uberflip.com/i/670657
Book your free ckets today www.u lityweeklive.co.uk | 23 Come along to the Gas Theatre at U lity Week Live this year to hear presenta ons and discussion on the big issues aff ec ng the sector, including: 1. Fuel poor and gas grid connec ons Millions of people in the UK (15 per cent of the popula on) are gripped by fuel poverty, with those not connected to the mains gas grid being among the worst aff ected. Ofgem wants the gas distribu on networks (GDNs) to exceed their obliga ons for connec ng fuel poor household to the gas grid, where gas represents the cheapest op on, and is calling on the GDNs to connect more than 91,000 homes. The iden fi ca on and connec on of these proper es can be challenging. Wales and West U li es connec ons manger Nigel Winnan and Northern Gas Networks head of social strategy Tom Bell will be discussing this in a seminar in the Gas Theatre on Day Two of the show. 2. Carbon monoxide poisoning Every year in the UK there are 50 preventable deaths and 4,000 people treated in hospital as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning. Gas Distribu on Networks have a responsibility to stop this silent killer, with a licence condi on obliging them to raise awareness and prevent poisonings. While fi ng CO alarms and raising awareness is a priority for gas distribu on network operators, this is also where innova on can be game- changing. A seminar in the Gas Theatre, chaired by Chris Bielby, chair of the Gas Industry Safety Group, will explore the latest thinking in designing and communica ng preventa ve interven ons. Gas – The Hot Topics "Investment in new pipes now brings value for money in the long run, and avoids the need for ongoing spend on ad-hoc repairs to leaking old metal pipes" Rob Long, Programme Director, Wales and West U li es " 3. Network resilience and mains replacement A er having been in the ground for decades, metal gas pipes are reaching the end of their useful life. The consequences of damage to pipelines can be catastrophic, which is why the HSE has advised GDNs to accelerate the replacement of all cast iron and duc le mains within 30 metres of buildings. This, coupled with the regulatory shi to the totex regime, has seen the GDNs adopt innova ve solu ons to aid with the speed and cost of dealing with the mammoth task.