Water & Wastewater Treatment Magazine
Issue link: https://fhpublishing.uberflip.com/i/670657
Book your free ckets today www.u lityweeklive.co.uk | 13 Electricity "The August date is really important, but what's even more important is that it is a good result. We won't take it live unless it is right… we want to get it right fi rst me." Jonathan Simcock, chief execu ve, Data and Communica ons Company, on the smart meter roll-out " The UK's electricity sector is in the midst of the most signifi cant and wide-ranging change and evolu on since priva sa on 26 years ago. Some new technologies, as well as regulatory and policy reforms, are bedding in, whilst others are only just star ng to come into play or are being designed and debated for the future. The key to all of this is the plan to address the energy trilemma – the need to ensure security of supply, to keep energy aff ordable for consumers, and to reduce carbon emissions. New and innova ve technologies are being introduced in the energy sector – o en with support and encouragement from the regulator. The Low Carbon Networks Fund (LCNF) has given the network companies a licence to develop new products and solu ons, as has the new regulatory regime RIIO. The fi ndings from the LCNF will be explored in the Electricity Theatre from 2:15 on Day One, whilst a refl ec on of one year of RIIO for the electricity distribu on companies will be covered 11:15, also on Day One. This all forms part of the changing energy system which is being created to help incorporate the growing number of renewable genera on sources, and changing electricity demand pa erns on the networks. The electricity market is also responding and changing in the wake of the Compe on and Markets Authority (CMA) probe into the retail market. The CMA has set out a series remedies to improve the compe veness of the market, and to increase consumer engagement and trust in the sector. The topic of building trust and innova on being discussed at the end of Day Two in the Electricity Theatre. The roll the smart technologies and the connected customers is important for the sector moving forward, as they hope it will increase consumer engagement, but it will poten ally open up new avenues for the electricity retailers to explore. Electricity in the UK is evolving quicker than ever before, and U lity Week Live will help inform and guide you through this ever changing sector.