Utility Week

UTILITY Week 16th October 2015

Utility Week - authoritative, impartial and essential reading for senior people within utilities, regulators and government

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UTILITY WEEK | 16TH - 22ND OCTOBER 2015 | 29 Community Editor, Utility Week, and content director, Utilities: Ellen Bennett, t: 01342 332084, e: ellen. bennett@fav-house.com; News editor: Jillian Ambrose, t: 01342 332061, e: jillian.ambrose@ fav-house.com; Associate news editor: Mathew Beech, t: 01342 332082, e: mathew.beech@ fav-house.com; Assistant editor (insights): Jane Gray, t: 01342 332087, e: jane.gray@fav-house. com; Research analyst: Vidhu Dutt, t: 01342 332026, e: vidhu.dutt@fav-house.com; Reporters: Lois Vallely, t: 01342 332080; e: lois.vallely@fav-house.com and Lucinda Dann, t: 01342 332083; e: lucinda.dann@fav-house.com; Business development manager: Richard Powell, t: 01342 332062, e: richard.powell@fav-house.com; Business development executive: Sarah Wood, t: 01342 332077, e: sarah.wood@fav-house.com; Publisher: Amanda Barnes, e: amanda.barnes@fav-house.com. General enquiries: 01342 332000; Membership subscriptions: UK £577 per year, overseas £689 per year, t: 020 8955 7045 or email membership sales manager Paul Tweedale: paultweedale@fav-house.com. ISSN: 1356-5532. Registered as a newspaper at the Post Office. Printed by: Buxton Press, Palace Road, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 6AE. Published by: Faversham House Ltd, Windsor Court, Wood Street, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 1UZ 3,580 Average circulation Jan–Dec 2014 Membership subscriptions: UK £577 per year. Overseas £689 per year. Email: paultweedale@fav-house.com Top Tweets Disconnector Life's too short to pay bills In our hustling, bustling, gadget-filled lives we barely have time to stop and think about the deeper questions in life, like whether Jeremy Cor- byn's election as Labour leader is really just an elaborate practical joke. Still less, then, does today's ADD-afflicted young adult have the patience for chores such as filling in tax forms and renewing the house insurance. Or paying their energy bill. We know this because Eon has conducted research among 2,000 adults and found a marked reluctance on the part of many people to dedicate time to what the company calls "life admin", but what used to be called "paperwork" or just "paying the bills". Whatever you call it, appar- ently people these days just can't be bothered putting the time aside for such chores, and the 18-24-year-old age group is the worst. "Life admin adventurers choose to pay their bills and complete tax forms in the dentist chair, up trees and even on The Great Wall of China," burbles the energy supplier in an attempt to sex up its new Smart Pay as You Go product. You can pay online, via app or by phone, so it's as ideal for "adventurers" who are just, y'know, too busy. Disconnector is not sure why filling out a tax return on the Great Wall of China instead of enjoying the view makes you an adventurer. But hey ho. More likely the truth of the matter is that even sitting on the Great Wall of China, the average 18-24 year old would probably still be staring at their smartphone, so they may as well pay their energy bill as do anything else. The low-down on getting high Eagle-eyed readers have alerted Disconnector to a story in the Express about a gang of teenage thieves who stole a rug from the Lords Meadow Sew- age works in Crediton, Devon. Apparently they swiped it so they would have something to sit on as they hung out in the woods behind the works to drink alcohol and take drugs, activities for which the spot has become notorious. Unfortunately for the ne'er- do-wells concerned, the mat- ting was not a rug but a mesh used to extract water from raw human sewage. To which task it had been dedicated for the previous six months. Yes, my friends, it was a poo blanket. It doesn't say much for the intelligence of Crediton's yobbery that they rummage through skips at the back of a sewage works for something to pinch, but Disconnector can't really understand what they were doing there in the first place. Devon is a beautiful county. Surely there are more picturesque places to sit and get high than staring at a sew- age works? Or maybe they were just extreme admin adventurers. Papering over the cracks Most people of a sporting incli- nation have been so involved with England's progress, or lack of it, in the Rugby World Cup in recent weeks that they probably missed the big clash between American Football League super clubs the New York Jets and the Miami Dolphins at Wembley earlier this month. The meeting is supposed to bridge the cultural gap between the two nations and promote American football over here, but Disconnector has eyes and ears everywhere, and an informer reports that the New York Jets were so mis- trustful of having the comforts of home properly provided that they flew in 350 toilet rolls with them for the team's use in the hotel and the stadium. Apparently an intern at the club said he visited London fre- quently and could testify that the "their toilet paper is very thin because their plumbing isn't as good". Crikey, thinks Disconnector, what do Americans use to wipe their derrieres? Bath towels? Whatever. It seems to have done the trick. The Jets won 27-14. Disconnector Jon Ferris @JonFerris2 EMR is unravelling. Solar farms shelved after winning CFD contract, now CCGT in doubt despite capacity contract. William Marchant @richonlyinname Every form of power generation now claiming to be sub-economic without more government support. There's a working market for you. Leonie Greene @LeonieGreene Terribly sorry about Mark Group. Extreme and unreliable policy has dire consequences. National Grid Media @Grid_Media #DrFoster changes our demand forecast for after #GBBO final – more will keep watching. Solarcentury @solarcentury Vivienne Westwood @FollowWestwood says: "David Cameron is forcing toxic, life-threaten- ing fracking chemicals on his own people!" Emma Pinchbeck @ELPinchbeck The Chancellor, 2008: "When it comes to the environment, clear-sighted and rational policymaking is needed"... Chris Musson @camusson Analysis of consultation on fracking expected to start in "spring 2017", Scottish government says. So 2018 before a decision. Ian McMillan @IMcMillan Soon there will be florists called The Northern Flowerhouse and bathroom shops called The Northern Showerhouse. American Wind Energy @AWEA #Windpower fact of the day: A modern wind turbine generates 17 times more electricity than one built in 1990. #windworks The ADE @theADEuk Heat lost by #powerstations could heat every home in the UK. Householders with micro CHP capture this heat to reduce #energybills. Climate Reality @ClimateReality By law, California will produce half of its electricity from renewables by 2030. Talk about a golden state of mind.

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