Adapt or die: lessons for
Utility companies from
the Telecoms industry
Exclusive free webinar from Utility Week and HP
Thursday 6 March 2014
11:00hrs (GMT)
The 1990s saw the Telco industry undergo major business transformation
driven by the deployment of new technologies. Some players couldn't get to
grips with their new, competitive marketplace and didn't survive.
Today, a similar transformation is occurring in utilities. Technological
developments present a wealth of opportunities to capture new revenue
streams through the creation and marketing of innovative new value added
services in a connected world.
But with this opportunity come the same threats as the Telcos experienced.
This free TV-style live webinar, with expert speakers from both industries,
will explore how utilities can learn from the Telcos – and how businesses must
adapt or die.
Speakers include:
Register for free now at:
Angus Flett,
head of enterprise
products connectivity,
security and
Vodafone Group
Richard Noakes,
enterprise services
utilities portfolio
development lead,
Sarah Daniel,
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