Operations & Assets
| 7th - 13th February 2014 | utILIty WeeK
High viz
Dong Energy has been awarded
£6 million through the UK Carbon
Trust's Offshore Wind Accelerator
(OWA) programme to co-fund full-
scale demonstration of the Suction
Bucket Jacket offshore wind turbine
foundation in 2014.
This was designed by Dong based
on ideas from the SPT Offshore
foundation, which was a finalist in a
competition run by the Carbon Trust to
find lower-cost foundation solutions.
The Suction Bucket Jacket com-
bines jacket technology, consisting
of welded tubular space frames with
suction buckets for anchoring the
foundation firmly to the seabed. The
bucket foundation (suction caisson)
has been used for more than 30 years
on oil platforms in the North Sea.
Buckets of potential