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HYDROGEN F alling costs of re- newable generation, particularly wind and solar, have led to good progress being made to de - carbonise the electricity sector. This is now driving demand for new and innovative methods for providing storage and flexibility in the electricity system. The next challenge is widely accepted to be delivering similar results for the transport and heating sectors. Electrification of cars is gathering pace, but there are still broader chal - lenges around the decarbonisa- tion of heavy goods movement, shipping and aviation. Similarly, in heat, improv- ing energy efficiency will play a significant role in reducing the scale of the decarbonisation challenge, but will not avoid the significant seasonal fluctuations associated with heat demand. Electrification will play a role in new building stock, however it will be challenging to deliver for Britain's homes built before the 21st century. Recent hydrogen research and demonstrator projects are beginning to show that integrating the use of hydrogen into Britain's energy system is The Energy Research Partnership (ERP) recently brought together a range of stakeholders from across the energy sector to review the role of hydrogen to help decarbonise the UK energy sector. Their findings will be reported in July but the group has concluded that hydrogen, working together with the low carbon advances made in the electricity sector, has a potential role to play in meeting the needs of a future low or zero-carbon energy system in the UK. NETWORK / 34 / JULY/AUGUST 2019 technically feasible. Further- more, for many sectors such as domestic, commercial and industrial heating, the adop- tion of hydrogen presents an opportunity to upgrade existing technology without significant changes in consumer behaviour. While there is considerable debate over whether future energy systems should remain highly centralised or take a more decentralised architecture, Energy Systems Catapult analy - sis indicates that either scenario will require some depend- ence on hydrogen to meet the Government's legally binding targets on climate change. The use of hydrogen as a means to store and transfer energy will not be without its challenges. Firstly, to reach of sources as more renewable generation sources drive the economics to support hydrogen adoption. In domestic heating, the uptake of hydrogen in heating is expected to require evolution of existing designs rather than revolutionary new systems. A leading boiler manufacturer has demonstrated that hydrogen can be safely integrated into the home with no increase in harm - ful nitrous oxide emissions and with overall lower risk to safety than natural gas. Worcester Bosch has demon- strated boiler technology which is physically similar to natural gas boilers with similar func- tionality and performance. This approach has been driven by the technology but also very sig- nificantly by hydrogen technol- ogy having little or no negative impact on daily life, promoting consumer acceptance. One of the major advantages of the supply of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas is the repurposing of the existing natural gas network to distrib - ute hydrogen to industry and domestic properties. This repur- posing of existing natural gas network assets will consider- ably improve the viability of the wider application of hydrogen. Britain is in a unique posi- tion to lead the way in adapting its energy system to accommo- date hydrogen as a new energy vector. Hydrogen presents an op- portunity to develop new skills, to support clean growth and the industrial strategy, while refocussing existing expertise in financing, developing, design - ing and deploying complex energy solutions. This strategy won't be with- out risk; it will require bold de- cision making from policymak- ers, regulators and industry and strong consumer engagement as we adapt to a zero-carbon emit- ting energy system. For more information on this topic and other ERP work, visit www. or alternatively email Hydrogen's role in the future UK energy system meaningful scale and deliver the emissions benefits required in the time available, a new eco- system of hydrogen technologies will have to mature quickly, much faster than historic prec- edents indicate that is possible. Production of hydrogen at the levels required to facilitate a meaningful hydrogen economy will present considerable pro - duction technology and supply chain challenges to overcome. Currently sources of hydro- gen are reliant upon the process of steam methane reformation of natural gas, which requires carbon capture usage and storage to ensure net carbon emissions are as close to zero as possible. Looking forward, hydrogen production is likely to come from a wider range DECARBONISATION OF HEAT