
Network October 2018

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NETWORK / 30 / OCTOBER 2018 INTERVIEW Q How has the industry changed over the last 10 years? A Carbon emissions reduc- tions have been achieved, for example via the growth in renewable electricity genera- tion particularly in the last two years. Last April the UK had its first day without coal-fired power since the Industrial Revo - lution, which is significant as it indicates how much progress the country has made. Despite this progress, there are still challenges for the indus - try, particularly around how we will continue to cut emissions and ensure a utilities network that is 'match fit' for the rise in electric vehicles (EVs), as well as the increasing home energy storage and generation. We're seeing a rise in what is dubbed as 'prosumers', where consum - ers are also becoming producers and wanting to sell that energy back. That's driving the need for an agile and flexible energy system. Q What are the major disrupters for the energy market in 2019? A The major disrupters are driven around new technol- ogy and what consumers are using energy for. Firstly, there is the rise in EVs and renewable heat that is driving the need for a resilient and agile electricity network that can adapt and cope with changing demand Supply chain evolution The UK's energy sector faces significant challenges with the proliferation of new technology, shifting consumer expectations, sustainability targets and regulatory uncertainty. So how is the supply chain adapting to meet the changing needs of clients and the wider industry? Costain's Cameron Tonkin – sector director, power – speaks to Network. Cameron Tonkin. Work taking place on the London Power Tunnels project. for power, whether that is how users want to draw down that power or maybe want to sell it back. Network balancing is criti - cal and technology solutions will enable that. Aside from EVs and home generation, we'll also see continued digital connectivity across our industry. The con - sumer will become increasingly connected with the producer. More consumers will be enabled to pick and choose their energy provider, and their energy tariffs and what they do with their energy. Q How is Costain supporting its clients during this time of change? A At Costain we're provid- ing our clients with smart infrastructure solutions. We're helping utilities prepare their

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