Utility Week - authoritative, impartial and essential reading for senior people within utilities, regulators and government
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UTILITY WEEK | 13TH - 19TH APRIL 2018 | 3 This week 4 | Seven days 7 Policy & Regulation 7 | News Ofwat sets out reform plans to rebuild trust 8 | Analysis Anglian Water commits to clarity 11 | Analysis Changes to Eco may help the fuel poor but at the cost of weakening emissions reduction initiatives 12 | Market view What the key changes in RIIO2 mean for network companies 13 Finance & Investment 13 | News Anglian plans £800m network investment 15 | Analysis Profile of the chief executive designate of SSE-Innogy's proposed merged retail company 16 Operations & Assets 16 | High viz Cadent mains replacement 18 | Working party 'Unlocking the Value of a Flexible Power System' 22 | Market view The importance of rich data 23 | Case study The Environment Award winner of last year's Utility Week Awards 24 | Market view AI and the water sector 25 | Market view Recovering DNO connections costs 27 Customers 27 | News British Gas to leave some on 'dead' SVT 28 | Market view Change of tenancy fraud 30 Community 31 | Disconnector GAS 16 | High viz Cadent mains replacement 23 | Case study The Environment Award winner of last year's Utility Week Awards WATER 7 | News Ofwat sets out reform plans to rebuild trust 8 | Analysis Anglian Water commits to clarity 13 | News Anglian plans £800m network investment 24 | Market view AI and the water sector ELECTRICITY 12 | Market view What the key changes in RIIO2 mean for network companies 18 | Working party 'Unlocking the Value of a Flexible Power System' 25 | Market view Recovering DNO connections costs ENERGY 11 | Analysis Changes to Eco 15 | Analysis The CEO designate of SSE-Innogy's proposed merged retail company 22 | Market view The importance of rich data 27 | News British Gas to leave some on 'dead' SVT 28 | Market view Change of tenancy fraud New SSE-Innogy chief has her work cut out What will Katie do next? It's a question that has been doing the industry rounds ever since Friday's announcement that Katie Bicker- staffe had been appointed chief executive designate of SSE-Innogy's planned new energy retail company. She may be hamstrung by the usual legal restrictions – and her current commitments with retail giant Dixons Carphone until later this year – but this shrewd market operator will already have her top priorities worked out. Here are our thoughts on what they may be: 1. Heading that tough to-do list will be keeping a watchful eye on the progress of the merger – still awaiting Competition and Markets Authority approval. It's not a foregone conclusion, despite last week's bullish move by SSE and Innogy in announcing Bickerstaffe's appointment. And the added complication of the recently revealed Eon and RWE asset-swap deal could lead to extra conditions for any merger agreement. 2. Company culture will also be high on the list. No stranger to mergers, Bickerstaffe won't be underestimating the challenge of bringing together two companies and teams with very little in com- mon. Strong IT systems and processes will be vital if she is to ensure the fledgling entity's risk management and customer service codes are protected. 3. Job losses are inevitable when bringing together two busi- nesses of this size, and Bickerstaffe will need to clear some space in her busy diary during the first few months for difficult talks with the unions. 4. Jostling for attention in Bickerstaffe's in-tray will be board appointments and selecting her direct reports. There will also be synergies and duplication to work through – such as financial func- tions – staff to get to know and trust (or otherwise), and the inherent risk that your best people might choose to walk. 5. Last, but not least, will be finding the sector's elusive Holy Grail – how to make money out of the energy market. Many will be watching closely how this customer-focused, FMCG and retail technology expert will move to find new, sustainable revenue streams quickly and efficiently in an increasingly volatile market of high wholesale costs, a looming energy price cap, diverse competi- tion and ongoing political uncertainty. She's already hinted that she plans to explore home services, where profit margins are higher and new business models have a fighting chance. It's going to be fascinating to watch. Suzanne Heneghan, associate editor, suzanneheneghan@fav-house.com Leader Suzanne Heneghan Knowledge worth keeping Subscribers to Utility Week can access premium content and exclusive research, available to read online or as downloadable documents. http://www.utilityweek.co.uk/