Utility Week - authoritative, impartial and essential reading for senior people within utilities, regulators and government
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UTILITY WEEK | 4TH - 10TH AUGUST 2017 | 21 Operations & Assets for the 118-mile journey by road and ferry to its permanent home. ESD project manager Jeff For- rester said: "The advantage of a transportable treatment unit is that the programme is reduced and the amount of traffic is kept to a minimum, meaning less dis- ruption for the local community. "We started work on site early this year and construction was completed before the sum- mer, so a very quick turnaround was achieved." If you have an asset or project you would like to see featured in this slot, email: paulnewton@ fav-house.com B y working in partner- ship with their energy providers, industrial and commercial organisations can enhance their sustainability and Corporate Social Responsi- bility (CSR) credentials through energy-efficiency programmes that generate operational gains. Haven Power believes energy should be a driver for success rather than a drain on resources. Our dedicated Relationship Managers and energy experts work alongside customers and consultants to help develop tailored solutions that are easy to implement. Following our on-site visits and discussions, we can help customers identify their energy issues and business needs then develop – and execute – a strategy to get the best results. With the right kind of efficiency programme in place, organisations can save up to 30 per cent of their energy costs in three years, according to consultancy Bain & Company¹. The savings are likely to arise from modifications to existing equipment (such as boilers, pumps, heating systems) or from purchasing replacements, and from the subsequent reductions in maintenance, materials and waste. Haven's energy specialists use on-site observations and customer data to help cut elec- tricity consumption and save money. We also help customers to use energy more flexibly, reduce peak-time usage, and take advantage of other oppor- tunities. In addition to the envi- ronmental benefits, the move towards a low-carbon economy is also creating commercial openings. For example, Haven is working with customers to match their energy needs to the right wind and solar generators that can produce power on- site. We've also signed Power Purchase Agreements to enable customers to sell power back to National Grid, and are help- ing others to explore income generation options such as Demand Side Response. These approaches allow customers to gain certainty about their long-term energy expenditure, reduce their exposure to fluctuating power prices, and create a new rev- enue stream. Haven's sustainable energy solutions can also help customers who declare their carbon credentials through CDP and in line with the green- house gas reporting regula- tions. Using a low-carbon fuel source, such as the renewable biomass electricity provided by Haven Power, is one of the eas- iest ways to reduce emissions. Such a decision also allows organisations to meet their CSR and sustainability targets, which can help to address their own customers' preference for buying from a company with a sound sustainability record. If you want a new energy partner, get in touch today quoting reference HP248. 01473 707755 contact.us@havenpower.com www.havenpower.com ¹ Hidden Treasure: Why energy efficiency deserves a second look EXPERT VIEW HAVEN POWER When sustainability and partnership equals success "Haven Power offers customers the chance to pursue a low- carbon agenda."