Utility Week

Utility Week 24th February 2017

Utility Week - authoritative, impartial and essential reading for senior people within utilities, regulators and government

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Community Lowri Beck Services Ltd Mayors Quay, Swan Meadow Road, Wigan WN3 5BB Tel: 01942 771700 Lowri Beck is a leading independent service provider of Metering Systems, Data Capture, Data Management and Field Management services, offering innovative solutions to utilities and business throughout Great Britain. We support the electricity, gas and water markets with Manual and Automated Meter Reading, Data Collection and Aggregation, Meter Asset Provision, Installation and Maintenance services as well as providing a full suite of dual fuel Smart Metering services. Our dual-site Contact Centre provides a wide range of professional outsourcing contact centre services, including overflow call handling and appointment management. Our mobile field management system, Companion, supports a range of operations with mobile handheld solutions ensuring improved data communications between office and field activities. Lowri Beck was established in 1996 and is experienced in offering tailored services and committed to delivering excellent service at realistic prices. For further information contact lbenquiries@lowribeck.co.uk Wheatley Broad Road, Bacton, Suffolk IP14 4HN Tel: 01449 781001 Website: www.wheatleysolutions.co.uk Leading specialists in our field, Wheatley have been intrinsic to UK utilities metering for 25 years. Wheatley ensure solutions reflect and anticipate market needs, meaning we play a business critical role for our customers and are integral to the UK's smart meter roll out. Market Messaging - Wheatley's proprietary solutions perform customisable automation of messaging exchange for electricity, gas and dual fuel MOP / MAM and MAP functions, minimising user intervention and improving commercial advantage. Asset Management – with options to receive industry flows and other bi- lateral data exchanges Wheatley's MAP solution manages and reports on a full portfolio of meters and associated assets, maximising asset efficiency and facilitating accurate billing and forecasting against multiple contracts. Workforce Management – available stand-alone or integrated with other applications, our powerful scheduling and workforce management tool improves field worker efficiency. Open Water –Wheatley are harnessing our 25 years' experience of providing central messaging systems for data exchange and operational execution to develop systems tailored to the unique requirements of the water sector as competition begins. Our metering applications are delivered directly or as a service and are designed to quickly scale to changing customer requirements. To find out more please get in touch. Contact Nigel Searle to advertise here, 01342 332009 • Operationalise your approach to fraud Book now: events/utilityweek.co.uk/debt Future Networks Conference 21 March, Birmingham The flagship event for innovative and forward-thinking energy networks professionals. Attend to: • Gain insight into the government's innovation priorities for smart • Discover behavioural change ideas to understand network demand • Learn how to adjust your network to accommodate new technologies Book now: events.networks.online/future Westminster Energy, Environment and Transport Forum 21 March, central London Entitled "Next steps for energy efficiency policy in England - issues for businesses and suppliers, and domestic priorities post-Green Deal", this seminar will discuss the future for energy efficiency schemes in businesses and homes across England, and next steps for energy efficiency policy. With the conclusion of the updated Energy Companies Obligation due in March, and the CRC scheme set to end by 2019, this conference offers a timely opportunity for delegates to engage on the direction of Government policy in energy efficiency. Delegates will assess the opportunities for improving commercial energy efficiency in energy-intensive industries and businesses, and the future for industrial decarbonisation and sector sustainability. It will also provide a timely opportunity to discuss latest trends in sustainable technol- ogy, such as smart meters and electrification of heating systems, and their contribution to both domestic and commercial energy efficiency schemes. Additional sessions will focus on priorities for reducing fuel poverty in the UK's most vulnerable areas - including the role of energy suppliers, as well as sustainable house building in promoting efficiency savings. Guest of Honour: Richard Mellish, Deputy Director, Home & Local Energy, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Book online at: http://www.westminsterforumprojects.co.uk DON'T MISS Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum Keynote Seminars: Priorities for energy security in the UK 9 March, central London The focus of this seminar will be an opportunity to assess initiatives and policy priorities for UK energy security. • Discussion expected on key issues for the oil and gas sector and maximising economic recovery of UK supply - and taking place following the formal launch of the Oil and Gas Authority as the independent industry regulator. • Key policy issues for UK energy security and supply: self-sufficiency, the international context and opportunities for policy development; • Regulatory priorities for a competitive market that meets the needs of UK customers; • The role of energy storage and other technologies in balancing supply, improving management and network flexibility, and reducing demand pres- sures; • Overcoming barriers to development and system innovation; • New industrial applications for shale extraction; and • Ensuring the UK meets supply criteria: mix diversity, infrastructure investment and decarbonising the system. The price to attendance is £210 plus VAT. Book online at: http://www.westminsterforumprojects.co.uk Consumer Debt Conference 16 March, Birmingham A must-attend event for forward-thinking credit, debt, billing, collections and customer services professionals within the electricity, gas and water sectors. This CPD-certified conference will equip you with the tools to: • Use data to build a holistic picture of your customers • Ensure you are up to date with Ofgem's and Ofwat's regulation and policy updates • Create innovative approaches to smart meter data and technology • Prevent billing delays through accurately tracking transient tenants 30 | 24TH FEBRUARY - 2ND MARCH 2017 | UTILITY WEEK

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