Utility Week - authoritative, impartial and essential reading for senior people within utilities, regulators and government
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UTILITY WEEK | 17TH - 23RD JUNE 2016 | 3 Leader Jane Gray This week 4 | Seven days 7 Policy & Regulation 7 | Lobby As the intemperate referendum campaign draws to a close, UW considers the impact on utilities 8 | In or out? Lord Bourne of Decc and energy minister Andrea Leadsom go head-to-head 10 | After Brexit What would a post-Brexit UK look like? 12 | Water European directives have shaped the UK's water sector 14 | Networks Network leaders back Remain 19 Finance & Investment 19 | News Welsh Water to spend more on customers 20 Operations & Assets 20 | Analysis A look back at Luis Garcia's seven-year tenure at Bristol Water 23 | Market view Finding staff to spearhead your smart grid efforts 24 Customers 24 | News 2.2m customers leave big six firms in a year 27 | Market view Use every tool at your disposal to engage with customers 28 Markets & Trading 28 | Market view Using out-of-date trading technology could expose utilities to unnecessary risk 30 Community 31 | Disconnector It's time to step up the pace of change It's a year since National Grid launched its Power Responsive cam- paign, with the ambition to turn the growing debate about the value of demand-side response (DSR) into action. At the same time as it launched the initiative, the system operator set out its intention to use demand-side mechanisms to deliver 30-50 per cent of its balanc- ing requirements by 2020. Twelve months on, and the Power Responsive team has some positive news to share about the impact the campaign has had so far. It has brought together an inclusive steering group comprising aggregators, energy suppliers, distribution networks and more. It has partnered with bodies such as the Major Energy Users' Council to increase awareness and understanding about demand- side opportunities among industrial and commercial energy users. It has also launched two new DSR services – Enhanced Frequency Response, which will bring energy storage into play as a balancing mechanism, and Demand Turn-up, which will help avoid abatement of wind and solar energy at times of surplus generation. But although these advances are welcome, and reflect real zeal in the Power Responsive team for proving the worth of DSR in future energy scenarios, it can't be denied that some stubborn barriers to a more dynamic DSR market remain unmoved – or barely dented. Despite some progress on awareness, many industrial and com- mercial customers are still ignorant or sceptical about DSR oppor- tunities. To change this, market structures that offer truly attractive commercial propositions – and do not disrupt the day jobs of partici- pating firms – should be devised for DSR. The Power Responsive team is working on this, but even if it can come up with the magic formula (or formulas), applying it will be difficult without a more flexible and agile approach to market evolution in Decc and Ofgem. With a promised springtime call for evidence on both energy storage and DSR market reforms still pend- ing, this is far from reality. Utility Week is not the first and won't be the last to say it, but until policymakers and regulators become more fleet of foot, the pace of change we need in the energy system – which technology and markets are naturally pushing towards – will not manifest itself. Jane Gray, Acting Editor janegray@fav-house.com GAS 14 | Lobby Network chiefs back Remain 17 | News Activists challenge fracking decision 27 | Market view Engaging customers in an online world WATER 12 | Lobby How the EU has shaped the UK water sector 17 | News MPs slam 'reactive' approach to flooding 20 | Analysis Luis Garcia leaves Bristol Water 24 | News National portal for landlords goes live ELECTRICITY 19 | News EDF 'mulls plant sale to bankroll Hinkley' 24 | News Scottish Power trials smart batteries ENERGY 19 | News Eon shareholders back Uniper spin-off 19 | Stockwatch Dong Energy's IPO 23 | Market view In search of smart grid skills 24 | News Call for wider review of sales tactics 28 | Market view Why old energy trading technology introduces risk Visit the Downloads section of the website Citrix: How utilities can improve both customer service and operational efficiency http://bit.ly/1s4EAnI Kirona: Seven Deadly Sins Managing Field Based Workers 2016 http://bit.ly/1U737yM Aeris: Utilities and entrepreneurialism next. http://bit.ly/1TQ1YSf