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Beyond the bustling exhibi on hall and
fascina ng seminar sessions, there's
plenty more going on at U lity Week
Live this year to engage your brain,
kick off your networking and give you
ideas that could boost your business
opera ons. Here are some of the main
features you'll fi nd at the show.
Drilling and Tapping: A rou ne task for
many in the water industry working with clean
water networks, making a new service connec on
to a water main requires great skill and dexterity.
Throw in the requirement to complete the task
against the clock and in compe on with other
teams, and you have yourselves a contest – and
a spectacle. That's what's in store at Drilling and
Tapping championships, organised by the Ins tute
of Water (Stand B43).
Streetworks Village: This year at U lity
Week Live will see streetworks brought into the
exhibi on hall. With more than a dozen specialist
exhibitors and product demonstra ons set
alongside topic-led panel sessions, no expense
will be spared to bring the hustle and bustle of
u lity streetworks to life.
Outdoor Demo Zone: With some
products and services best demonstrated in
the open air, this year you can step outside and
experience some exhibits as nature intended.
Come along, rain or shine, for a few surprises
throughout both days.
Show features
The Innova on Zone: Back by popular
demand, the Energy Innova on Centre (Stand
C44) will again be hos ng a dedicated Innova on
Zone at U lity Week Live where they will be
showcasing the latest game-changing innova ons
and solu ons for the gas and electricity industries
from the up and coming innovator community.
The Innova on Zone is the place to discover
game-changing technologies, and will feature
technical pitches, product demos, and ac vi es
coordinated with the exhibitors located in this
popular area of the show.