Utility Week

Energy Supply Handbook 2014

Utility Week - authoritative, impartial and essential reading for senior people within utilities, regulators and government

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INDUSTRY INSIDER 8 UTILITY WEEK ENERGY SUPPLY HANDBOOK 2014 The Energy Supply Handbook provides organisational, contact and technical information for those inside and outside the industry. Pages 22 to 151 contain information about the energy utilities – those companies who are responsible for sourcing, transmitting and delivering electricity and gas to customers. Companies listed are responsible for: l Generating electricity l Importing and storing gas l Owning and operating the UK's high voltage electricity and high-pressure gas transmission networks l Owning and operating electricity and gas interconnectors l Owning and maintaining the electricity distribution networks in different regions of the UK l Owning and maintaining gas distribution networks in different regions of the UK l Supplying electricity and gas to businesses and homes. Each entry in this section contains details on the structure of the company, its licences, the assets it owns (such as power stations), and brief financial information. Key personnel are also listed. Those seeking data on the power stations and other assets owned by the companies should refer to the technical section beginning on p 280. Pages 154 to 197 provide details of the organisations – government departments, NGOs, regulators and lobby groups – who have roles to play in the industry. Pages 200 to 278 provide a 'Buyer's Guide' for utility companies. It has information about the companies who provide the products and services used by the industry, divided into sections: l Design/Build/Construction l Maintenance l Engineering Services l Consultancy l Information/Data Services l Metering l Services to Renewables l Procurement l Finance l Customer Services ENERGY INDUSTRY STRUCTURE AND OPERATION HOW TO USE THIS BOOK

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