| 4th - 10th April 2014 | UtilitY WEEK
Operations & Assets
High viz
Performance testing is now complete
at the Tubli Bay Water Pollution Con-
trol Centre in Bahrain, which has had
a £12 million wastewater treatment
upgrade courtesy of UK company Blue-
water Bio. A 350,000m³/day incoming
flow was overloading the Tubli plant,
which meant the treated effluent was
frequently contaminated with ammo-
nia and sludge solids. This was affect-
ing the aesthetics and ecology of the
bay and causing an odour nuisance.
The upgrade involved the con-
version of two of the ten aeration
lanes and four of the 12 clarifiers
into a HYBACS (HYBrid ACtivated
Sludge) plant, by installing 42 Sha-
Mounted Advanced Reactor Technol-
Gulf masters