Utility Week

Utility Week 14 03 14

Utility Week - authoritative, impartial and essential reading for senior people within utilities, regulators and government

Issue link: https://fhpublishing.uberflip.com/i/275995

Contents of this Issue


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UtilityWeek Interview: Richard Bienfait, CEO, Affinity Water p8 eneRgy supplIeRs Will hAvE tO suffEr undEr thE COmplExity Of Emr p14 14th - 20th March 2014 thE BusinEss Of utilitiEs and they're off! is it timE WE lOOkEd AgAin At thE rOlE gAs hAs tO plAy in pOWEr gEnErAtiOn? p20

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