Water. desalination + reuse

May/June 2013

Water. Desalination + reuse

Issue link: https://fhpublishing.uberflip.com/i/133796

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Page 51 of 51

Proud to win. Twice. IDE wins Desalination Deal of the Year in Global Water Awards and North American Water Deal of the Year in Project Finance Magazine er WiencnnYWaarter Deal a e Am ri North of the Carlsbad Project Cape Preston Plant California, USA Western Australia "The pioneering collaborative approach taken at Carlsbad will serve as a blueprint for the financing of other large-scale desalination projects across the southern US... It proves beyond all doubt that with the right determination, large-scale desalination infrastructure in the US can be financed – even in California." Global Water Awards committee www.ide-tech.com "This is the first time a pre-engineered modular plant has been built on this scale. It represents a revolution in the desalination plant supply chain. Cape Preston demonstrates that IDE is continuing to deliver innovation in every aspect of the desalination process, nearly 50 years after the company was founded." Global Water Awards committee IDE - 400 plants. 40 countries. 4 decades.

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