The Talk: events
et against the backdrop of an im-
minent announcement around
Ofwat's now confirmed £200 million
innovation competition, WWT's latest
Innovation Conference highlighted many
challenges facing the sector, along with
a willingness to develop the right culture
and mindset in order to overcome them.
Chris Thomas, head of business im-
provement & innovation at Bristol Water,
opened proceedings with a presentation
entitled 'Delivering innovation in AMP7:
risks, challenges and opportunities'.
Thomas spoke about the challenges
facing innovators and highlighted how
he'd like to see more collaboration be-
tween water only companies (WOCs) and
water and sewerage companies (WASCs).
AŠer providing the audience with
the story of an innovator, he told the
audience: "I think we're a fantastically
collaborative industry, but I think we can
do more and change the shape of it to
be very catchment oriented. What I have
in mind is really exploiting the diversity
we have within our industry. We're made
up of WOCs and WASCs and there's pros
Innovation will be key in helping to drive the industry
forward and ensuring that water companies are prepared
to meet the changing demands put on the sector. This
was one of the key messages to come out of the eighth
annual WWT Water Industry Innovation Conference held
in Birmingham. Alec Peachey reports.
12 | FEBRUARY 2020 | WWT |
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