
Network September 2019

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MB: Wales & West Utilities has been gathering the views of the most vulnerable in society. Through 60 chaperoned face to face interviews with people in vulner- able situations and a partnership working with a range of organisations, alongside analysis of 1.5m pieces of customer data, the company has more insight than ever before on what those most in need want from their gas network. It's our job now to make sure that this insight is correctly interpreted and then re ected in the plans the business puts together for the price control. TB: The group will include respected and knowledgeable member representatives of vulnerable consumers to ensure we con- tinually consider the needs of vulnerable consumers and the impact of services being proposed by the business. These members will also help us to reach out to communi- ties and vulnerable consumer representative bodies to ensure we take the widest possible views into consideration when we engage with the business. We will be requiring the business to demonstrate how their pro- posals have been informed by vulnerable consumer engagement; this will be a core element of our business plan assessment. Q In what ways are customers views helping you prepare the network for the future? MF: Customers are clear that they expect SGN to prepare for the future and that envi- ronmental matters are important to them. We used that evidence to argue to Ofgem that they should be putting more emphasis on the environment in GD2 which they have done in their sector decision. TM: Stakeholders have said they are look- ing for leadership on future networks. We have challenged National Grid to explain its ambition for the future of gas and electricity and to justify any claims to be leading the industry as being in the best and most e‹ - cient interests of its stakeholders. The move to net zero carbon energy is non-negotiable. Whether it's electric vehicles or the poten- tial for hydrogen, our job is to make sure National Grid has made the case clearly and has the evidence from stakeholders and customers to prove it will beneŽ t them and, ultimately, end consumers. MB: Wales & West Utilities has already spoken to more than 25,000 people about their priorities for the future and had 20,000 face to face community conversations with people who rely on them every day. Additionally, future bill payers have had their say, adding their contributions to what needs to be a 'future prooŽ ng' of Wales & West Utilities decision making. As a CEG, we have to make sure that the company's business plan takes a balanced view, and that it gives appropriate weight to the views of consumers alongside expert stakeholders on the future of energy. TB: SSEN's business plan must set out an understanding of the future network demands and opportunities, and how it will adapt and evolve to meet these network and service requirements. A key area of this work will be demonstrating how consumer and stakeholder views have helped shape this understanding. The group will be as- sessing the scale and success of this engage- ment activity and how feedback has been considered in planning change. NETWORK / 35 / SEPTEMBER 2019 8 - 9 OctO b e r 2 0 1 9 | b i r m i n g h a m Utility Week cOngress 2019 BOOK NOW Supported by Participate in a live double interview with Ofgem and Ofwat CEOs on the future of utility regulation Listen to leading financial figures explore the threat of new competitors and assess the risks they face in our exclusive CFO panel NOWhere else CaN yOu: A event Sponsored by UW-Congress19-88x130ad.indd 1 29/08/2019 11:02 REDUCE FAILURE ON YOUR NETWORKS SAVING £MILLIONS FOR UTILITIES AND CONTRACTORS Specifically-developed mobile app technology combined with our expertise delivers a proven and trusted quality-assurance system. Reduce your asset failure and costs, whilst improving network quality, visibility and longevity. We're at UTILITY WEEK LIVE VISIT STAND E19 Improve your asset quality today Visit: email:

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