Water & Wastewater Treatment Magazine
Issue link: https://fhpublishing.uberflip.com/i/1106950
P R E S E N T S "While compe on is intense, the marketplace is simultaneously addressing supplier failures and safeguarding the interests of customers impacted," says Siddall. "It is a complicated environment in which to transform your service and customer rela onship, as well as equip your business for a future that benefi ts both customers and shareholders. But this is what needs to happen, and fast." THE THREE DS For energy supplier Centrica, there are three major trends that are transforming the way the company does business and the way it serves customers: decarbonisa on, decentralisa on and digitalisa on. Alongside the shi towards renewables and fl exible energy sources, there is a simultaneous movement away from power being produced in large centralised power sta ons. "This is a hugely posi ve development but one that is crea ng fresh challenges for energy networks," says Sam Salisbury, labs director, Centrica Innova ons. The impact of these market changes has been amplifi ed by the emergence of new technologies that are fundamentally altering the tradi onal energy landscape. "The arrival of electric vehicles, coupled with advances in connec vity, ba ery storage, solar and other renewables that allow homes and businesses to produce and store their own energy, is crea ng new opportuni es for us to engage with customers," explains Salisbury. This major change in the way businesses engage with customers is also being facilitated through increased collabora on between diff erent u li es, par cularly between energy and water. Louise Manfredi, managing director at mul - u lity operator Leep U li es, has closely monitored the success of the data sharing trial between United U li es (UU) and Electricity North West (ENW). The pilot proved that data sharing can remove the onus AMP7 is going to be stretching for the sector, but we were always clear that the 2019 price review would be about delivering more for less. II TRENDS DRIVING BUSINESS TRANSITION Trends driving transi on across u li es Compe ve pressures Climate change Changing consumer expecta ons/habits Digitalisa on of energy Changing policy & regulatory framework Internet of Things Sustainability considera ons Change in government Big Data Augmented/virtual reality Smart meters Step change in sustainability Electric vehicles Changes in workforce M&A ac vity Convergence of services 22 | MAY 2019 | WWT | www.wwtonline.co.uk