(UU) agrees that
the collabora ve
advocated by water
regulators is integral
to building resilience
across the sector
and transi oning to
a more sustainable
water system.
"The most important
thing is to look outside
the tradi onal company
boundary and build on
the interrela onships
between the assets of
the water companies and
the assets of other related
sectors and the associated
funding regimes," says
"At the local level, greater
u lisa on of sustainable
drainage systems (SuDS) can
help improve resilience further
in the sector and working
with local authori es and local
fl ooding authori es, along with
developers, is key to realising the
benefi ts.
"Thinking more na onally, there is also poten al for intra-
sector asset and fi nancial rela onships to be op mised in
order to encourage cross-border network connec ons and
na onal water trading. Ofwat is providing an allowance for the
development of North-South strategic supply solu ons as part
of the current price review process."
With PR19 fi rmly at the forefront of water companies'
business planning, Chadwick explains that innova on has
played a vital role in helping his business tackle the challenges
associated with the seventh asset management plans (AMP7).
"AMP7 is going to be stretching for the sector, but we
were always clear that the 2019 price review would be about
delivering more for less. It's innova on through market tes ng
and the use of our supply chain which has enabled us to reduce
costs and it's innova on in our opera ons that allow us to
deliver be er service standards at lower cost," he says.
"Our business plan refl ected over £440m of savings (AMP7
compared to AMP5) from innova on in how we operate the
business – in par cular our adop on of systems thinking as a
AMP7 is going to be
stretching for the sector,
but we were always clear that
the 2019 price review would
be about delivering more for
less. II
18 | APRIL 2019 | WWT | www.wwtonline.co.uk