
Network March 2019

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NET WORK OF THE FUTURE and so whole networks. Enterprise soware applications can provide real time visibility of all network connectivity states and load- ing conditions and can analyse and predict network capacity and the need for more DER or storage at any given moment using advanced distribution system management functionality. In addition to the real time management of networks, enterprise so- ware solutions can deliver optimised asset management using asset inventories derived from the network connectivity model and can provide a host of other value generating functionality. These systems will be the key to delivering the network of the future or more importantly it will be the interconnec- tivity and interoperability of these systems that will deliver the seamless optimisation of energy networks. Managing the network The Internet of Energy will overturn the existing electricity network operating para- digm which is based on humans monitor- ing the 'state' of the network and taking reactive controlling actions. This approach has worked for high voltage networks for the last 30 years, but this is unlikely to work in the future when the predicted millions of DER are connected throughout all voltage levels and are being called on to switch on or off in real time, potentially several times each day. It will become necessary for the system to know the previous state of the network in terms of load flows, estimated states of each connectivity node and network configuration over the past seconds/minutes/hours and days to then be able to predict and balance the desired state based on the dynamic condition over the same timescales. The network manage - ment system will automatically procure the necessary resources, either load, generation or storage, to meet its prediction. It will configure the network for optimum perfor - mance by sending signals to the owners of network resources and will monitor their actions and the resulting impact on energy flows in real time and will then manage and arbitrate network conflicts between different users on different timescales without any human input. The new energy system will encom - pass levels of intelligence and autonomy that will provide the network owner with observability of what is connected and where. The algorithms that control this type of autonomous network will know the network far better than any human could and will work out the optimum actions. They will not rely on decades-old industry codes of practice and standards but will use knowledge embedded in algorithms to work NETWORK / 36 / MARCH 2019 out the limits and capability of the net- work infrastructure and the assets that are connected to it. Eventually the traditional economic dividing line between the network owners and users, the electricity meter, will become obsolete as the entire energy network begins to act as one autonomously controlled entity based on real-time events. The Internet of Energy will essentially be a mass of connected and digitalised resources that will interact with each other in a coordinated manner to ensure that future capacity demand can be met, all this with very limited human intervention. Digitalisation Digitalisation and whole system optimisa- tion will bring many benefits. For example, a significant amount of the maintenance of physical infrastructure is still based on humans carrying out basic time-based in - spection and testing. There is then the need to design and maintain bespoke databases on desktop PCs to hold and compare tens of thousands of records. The analysis of the health or condition of the asset from this approach is based on taking a snapshot in time where the results are compared with thousands of other snapshots of assets of a similar age and type. To really understand the health of the asset under every loading and environmental condition, so to really understand the financial revenue the asset is generating, every asset could potentially be digitalised and fully integrated with enterprise soware so they can be moni - tored 24 hours a day. As all assets become digitalised it will be possible to imple- ment specific and unique maintenance and operation regimes to individual assets and this will ensure that assets perform to their maximum potential. Another benefit of digitalisation that is gaining a lot of at- tention is the concept of the 'Digital Twin'. It refers to the creation of a digital replica of a physical asset that is used to predict the future health and behaviour of any asset. One example of where this approach will benefit the future energy system is in transformer management. A great deal of research has been carried out into trans- former ageing through enhanced oil testing and the relationship between temperature, moisture and load and how transformers age to eventual failure is well understood. By creating a digital twin of the transformer, it will be entirely possible to model the age- ing process of the transformer and predict the effects of loading and ambient tempera- ture. The same approach can be applied to any asset. Also, digitalisation will allow network capacity to be released to provide the energy required for electric vehicles and the migration to electric heating in the same way it is believed that autonomous vehi - cles will significantly reduce road conges- tion. The Internet of Energy will also bring significant financial benefits as the required solutions will be all about integrating assets and network users with new types of ser - vices and business opportunities. If anyone doubts the potential for new value creation, then look no further than the new busi- nesses that have appeared in a few short years that have been able to leverage digital solutions to find new business models for old industries. Multi-billion dollar car ride sharing organisations that do not own cars and a room sharing business that does not own any hotels to name but two. The message is clear, if traditional organisations don't understand the future of digitalisa - tion, data and interconnectivity and how to extract value for customers and constantly offer new opportunities for innovative ways of doing business then they can be easily replaced. So, in summary, we have a deregulated and fragmented energy sector that needs to deliver specific and coordinated changes that may challenge traditional business models that have been delivering value for their stakeholders for a long time. The costs of energy are going up and will continue to rise and the workforce is getting older and is not being renewed quickly enough. It seems clear that to deliver the energy system transformation required to meet these chal - lenges, the future energy system is going to need a digital transformation on a scale not yet seen. DECARBONISATION OF HEAT LOCALISED ENERGY Darren Jones.

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