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NETWORK / 25 / OCTOBER 2018 in vegetation 'blind spots'. Utili- ties require robust, auditable methods of assessing vegetation risk and ensuring corrective vegetation treatment activities are appropriately executed. These issues can be addressed by using cloud-based analytics, revolutionising vegetation man- agement and helping mitigate vegetation risks for global utility industry leaders. Fugro's Roames solution is an innovative way to ensure assets and their surrounding en- vironment, works, and disasters are managed.•Unlike established asset management tools that provide a two-dimensional schematic of the utility network, Roames provides a precise and complete 3D electricity model of every pole and wire, circuits with connectivity, and network voltages. It combines remote sensing technologies with cloud computing and machine learning algorithms to deliver a complete and accurate, real- world, digital twin of a power company's assets.• Using regrowth with vegeta- tion analytics and desktop scop- ing solutions including model- Elimpus Ltd has installed several of Vaisala's online transformer monitoring solutions on behalf of Scottish Power, a leading British energy provider, to provide real-time condition information. At a key site in Scotland's central belt, Scottish Power selected the Optimus DGA Monitor OPT100 to provide continuous updates on their 1000MVA autotransformer and monitor for the impact of geomagnetically induced currents on the asset. Solar fl ares, periods when intense high-energy radiation is emitted from the sun's surface, cause radio and magnetic disturbances on Earth. When coupled with local geology, have the potential to disrupt power transformers' magnetic circuit, leading to ineffi cient power transmission and signifi cant damage to the transformers. The OPT100 is Vaisala's most advanced monitoring solution, which assesses a transformer's condition by measuring for the presence of moisture and seven different fault gases in transformer oil. "Scottish Power has a number of strategic transformers on the transmission network that require advanced condition monitoring, and we have been increasingly wary of the effects of solar fl ares and geomagnetically induced currents to disrupt their effi cient performance," said Keith Black, system performance senior engineer at Scottish Power. "The Vaisala unit was installed as it met our current specifi cation of online DGA devices with the addition of being maintenance free." Read the whole story here: ScottishPower I N D U S T RY I N S I G H T Providing real-time condition information ling of every individual tree to determine its annual growth and proximity to the power line, utilities can model vegetation growth, and schedule their cut- ting programmes. Fugro's Roames service has delivered signi- cant cost and performance improvements to Australia's two largest electricity distributors Ergon Energy and Essential Energy. Safety is a key value for Ergon Energy and the Roames capability has already proven its worth by identify- ing risks in the network that previously could not be detected using traditional inspection processes. This makes for a safer network, improved employee and community safety and signi- cantly reduces vegetation management costs. DID YOU KNOW? The 2017 California wildfi res caused historic levels of death and destruction, with almost 9,000 wildfi res burning 1.2 mil- lion acres of land, destroying more than 10,800 structures and killing 46 people. The tool provides immediate actionable reporting of vegetation intru- sions based on client and regulatory standards and proximity rules.